AV Quote Essentials
AV Quote Essentials: Top Things You Need To Know About Your AV Quote
Even though we believe AV quotes shouldn't look like rocket science there are some things we find need to commonly be clarified. While your AV company or provider usually would clarify sometimes it is easy to forget little details that could add up to huge cost for you. So if you want to make sure you stay on budget and have a flawless event then this master list is your new reference for reading and understanding your AV quotes.
Here is a quick list of things you should tell your event AV partner:
- What is your overall event objective, concept, and design?
- Do you have an MC, band, or other entertainment?
- Do you need to show any graphics to your audience? Do you have a power point or other media?
- Do you have more than one guest speaker on the stage at a time?
- Are you running sessions in more than one location at a time? If you are do you need a technician to be in each room.
Things you should check on your AV quote to save you money.
What type of pricing are you getting on your event?
If you are hosting a multi day event, it is important to ask what type of rate you are getting each day. Some AV companies will charge you a single day rate times each day of your event while others may offer you a multi day discount.
Are all fees included in the cost of the quote?
A common factor when using an outside AV company for your event is that not all cost are always included in the quote. For example, when an outside AV company goes into a hotel the hotel still has to provide rigging and power to pull of the setup they are selling you. Make sure you ask your AV company what the cost of rigging and power will be for the setup they are selling you.
Is there anything that might make your event run better?
Sometimes when comparing an AV quote apples for apples to fit within your budget it is easy for companies to leave out some optional but HIGHLY helpful pieces of equipment that may make your event easier and better. For example, for breakout rooms often times guest speakers have to turn to look at the projector screen to go through their power point presentation when it wouldn't be that difficult to add a speaker confidence monitor in the front of the room. This allows the speaker to have more confidence and spend less time with their back to those attendees. This can become particular helpful when live streaming your event.
What type of equipment are they using vs your other quote?
There are so many differences in quotes and equipment that when you are comparing two AV quotes it is easy to get lost in all of the technical terms and specifications. Ask your AV company the difference between their equipment and the other companies. They should be able to explain it in simple terms and also be able to acknowledge the good the other company offered you as well as the bad.
If you would like a full RFP document for hybrid events to make giving your AV company all the right information then you can download it here.